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Category: Natural Toys

How to Care for Your Wooden Toys?


We have written already why we love wooden toys, and shared also a list of things that we think you need to know before buying wooden toys. In this article, we have collected a couple of practical advices, though, that will help you to keep the wooden toys in a good shape and let them enjoy for years to come.

Storage: Humidity and heat can change the structure of wood, deform it and make it more prone to even breaking. Therefore we advice you never submerge toys fully in water – and even if they get wet, dry them slowly at room temperature. In general, keep them away from radiators or humidity when storing them.

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Made in Nature: Understanding Your Wooden Toys


We love wood because it is a natural and unique material, making every piece of toy made of it one of a kind. While these days wooden toys are regaining their popularity and are getting rediscovered more and more for their beauty and benefits they provide our children with (a fact that we are incredibly happy for!), sometimes we feel that some of their properties are still forgotten and many times come as a surprise. We are still learning about them ourselves: they are, in fact, different and therefore also need somewhat different handling than mass produced plastic toys. At Malih nog naokrog, we find it important to post once in a while and start a conversation about the questions that arise the most often. So before you would decide on buying wooden toys, you can get to know every aspect of them better, and can make a more informed decision whether they are really for you and your family. read more

Our Reasons Why We Love Natural Toys


I guess, we will tell you no secret here if we say we are in love with natural toys in our home. It is a love affair that has developed slowly and almost unnoticeably over the last years: and by now we can say we are deeply committed. Natural toys have not only transformed the atmosphere of our home but also the way our child plays and we started thinking about play. In brief, we love them, because they have brought us beauty, joy, respect, and they have also reconnected us with the natural world. But let me explain a little bit more what I mean by it. I have compiled a little list of our (magical number seven!) reasons for slowly switching to natural toys.

1. Natural toys are simply beautiful.

It’s one thing that natural toys come with their own aesthetic appeal, so I don’t feel like hiding them in the bottom of boxes or baskets. But I also believe that beauty and harmony truly matter for a child. Whatever we surround our children with, they will absorb it like little sponges. Or as my favourite quote by Maria Montessori puts it:

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