Product information:
- ISBN: 9789616994811
- Illustrator: Kees de Boer
- Translator: Mateja Seliškar Kenda
- Language: Slovene edition
- Format: 40 pages, hardcover.
- Recommended age: 3-6 years
- Publisher: Zala
- Date of publishing: 2021
“My bike always had flat tires.”
“Tires? Tires?! You were lucky. My bike didn’t even have tires. I rode a bicycle with wooden wheels. And the saddle was always loose.”
“Is that all? My bicycle had square wooden wheels, no saddle, and only one pedal.”
Dirk stays with his grandfathers, but he still has to go to school. So, his grandfathers decided to put together a bicycle for him themselves. As Dirk examines the somewhat rickety bike, the grandfathers reminisce about the hardships they endured on their way to school. It’s a hilarious story filled with slapstick and absurdities.
Recommended age: 3-6 years. Knjiga je nagrajena znakom za kakovost Zlata hruška, prestižno literarno nagrado za otroško in mladinsko knjigo v Sloveniji.
Important: please note that this book is a Slovene edition.
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