Product information:
- ISBN: 9789619667309
- Author: Chiara Piroddi
- Illustrator: Agnese Baruzzi
- Translator: Irena Tomažin
- Language: Slovene edition
- Format: 215 × 270 × 10 cm
- Recommended age: 5-7 years
- Publisher: Kalejdoskop 64
- Date of publishing: 2024
- Warning: Not suitable for children under 3. Small parts. Choking hazard.
More about the book:
The Montessori: a World of Achievement book series is authored by Chiara Piroddi, a renowned Italian psychologist, psychotherapist, and Montessori educator. The books are illustrated by Agnese Baruzzi.
The book includes an introductory section with explanations and guidance for parents on approaching activities based on Montessori principles, 36 pages of engaging tasks, and 8 additional pages with stickers.
Exploring the world is always an intriguing topic, as it sparks curiosity in children and brings about new questions, offering endless opportunities for learning. My First Book About Discovering the World provides numerous insights and guidance for learning in line with Montessori principles. The book’s content is presented as a journey, exploring the physical, geographical, and natural features of our planet. It helps children develop a clear understanding of the categories encompassed by the broader concept of the world.
The content of the book follows a clear and logical progression. Young explorers first learn to understand broader concepts such as cities, countries, and continents, and how to connect them, gaining an understanding of their place in the world. The central part of the book introduces the division of the world into continents, helping children create a clear mental picture of what the world is, how it is divided, and inhabited. Activities related to plants and animals of each continent are included, enabling quick comparisons between two continents.
The final part of the book offers a perspective of the world from space—presenting it as planet Earth.
The book’s activities are designed to be playful and enjoyable while supporting the cognitive development of children aged 5–7.
The activities are divided into:
- Graphomotor exercises, improving eye-hand coordination, motor awareness, fine motor skills, and writing development.
- Practical skill activities, such as coloring within defined areas.
- Visual and spatial awareness activities, focusing on recognition and comprehension.
- Logical sequencing and sorting tasks, promoting order and organization skills.
It is important not to interrupt or correct the child while they are focused on the activities. The tasks are designed to allow children to identify and correct their own mistakes. Thanks to colored borders and dotted lines that guide the pencil’s direction, children have strategies at their disposal to intuitively and playfully discover the correct solution on their own.